Donations for People Power . . . We could use a little help from our friends.
All donations to Música Pa' Culebra should be made to the Culebra Foundation with a note that it is meant for the Música Pa’ Culebra program. Did you know that your donation whether it be money, services or merchandise is tax deductible? Culebra Foundation has 501-C3 tax exempt status. You can make your donation with PAYPAL, ATH Movil or check payable to Fundación de Culebra. Please specify when donating if you would like your donation applied specifically to Música Pa 'Culebra.

Click here

Use the ATH Movil App

Check payable to:
Fundación de Culebra,
P.O. Box 331,
Culebra, PR 00775

The Música Pa 'Culebra program began with Summer Camp in 2016 and has grown into a year round program since then.
This is done with the desire that the children of Culebra have music in their lives and that music continues to play a strong role in the community. Learning music involves learning life skills that can be very useful as one grows older, particularly when living in a place like Culebra. Our program has children from the two schools on the island: La Escuela Ecológica (public) and Abbie's School (home schooling). Bringing kids from all backgrounds together.

We have spent the last two years growing and adapting to the reality of Covid-19. Click here to read more about these initiatives.
Lending instruments for students to use at home and setting up virtual lessons
Aeronet installing and donating high speed internet
Setting up computers at the old school for Zoom music lessons for kids
Grand piano donated and restored for student use
Air conditioning donated for all MPC classrooms
Recording studio improvements - creating community access for recording music, podcasts, producing video
Starting Individual in-person Classes with Covid-19 protocols
Improvements for Dance room
Art, dance and theater are being developed
Presenting our Concierto Virtual December 2020
Pirulo visit (Musician)
Weekly Drum circle started during summer camp 2021
Donation of Steel drum restoration
Development of the Steel Drum band
Production of "Culebra Es Un Paraiso" video with Alberto Carrion (Composer Musician)
Summer Camp/ concert summer 2021
Individual and small group in-person Classes with Covid-19 protocols
© 2017 All Rights Reserved Fundación de Culebra.