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721 people vaccinated!

Today a great day for our island! 721 people vaccinated! That's great!!! Thanks to everyone that make it possible. Blessings!

El Hon. Edilberto Romero Llovet, Alcalde del Municipio de Culebra, agradece al personal de Municipio y del CDT de Culebra , al personal de la Guardia Nacional de Puerto Rico y a todos los voluntarios que ayudaron a hacer posible la vacunación de gran parte de la población de nuestra isla . El día de hoy pudimos vacunar a 721 Culebrenses, se espera podamos vacunar al restante de nuestros residentes para el día de mañana.

Gracias a todos los que acudieron a vacunarse. Hoy dimos cátedra de organización y cumplimos la meta del día. ¡Gracias!

The Hon. Edilberto Romero Llover, Mayor of the Municipality of Culebra, thanks the staff of the Culebra Municipality and CDT, the personnel of the Puerto Rico National Guard and all the volunteers who helped make possible the vaccination of a large part of the population of our island. Today we were able to vaccinate 721 Culebrenses, it is hoped we can vaccinate the rest of our residents for tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who came to get vaccinated. Today we gave a lecture on organization and we fulfilled the goal of the day. Thanks!

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